Diane Rivera
Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique
Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique Presents on July 16 - 20, 2021
Rev. Judi Weaver
Spiritual Trance Chanel ~ Certified Crystal Light Healer ~ Shamanic Practitioner ~ Founder of Heart 4 Souls Inc.
Published Author
Mini Biography:
Rev. Judi Weaver is a Spiritual Trance Channel, and international professional Certified Crystal Light Healer with more than twenty-five years of experience. She is the founder of Heart 4 Souls, a non-profit organization, dedicated to healing and spiritual development. She is a published author (Guided by Your Light, Truth Beyond) and a Shamanic Practitioner, being the dedicated Grandmother Sun Spirit of the Talking Stick Circle in the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp in Florida.
While working with clients Reverend Judi attunes her vibration for the God/Source Love Energy to synchronize for individualized messages and healings to the mind, body, spirit, and soul. Clients have expressed that experiences are filled with infinite love, profound insight, miraculous physical results, complete acceptance, joy, peace, a soul rebalance, clear guidance and powerfully life changing experience.
Schedule of Events
July 16th @ 6:30 PM - Workshop - Finding the “Truth Beyond” Within – We are amazing energetic and spiritual beings with unlimited capabilities and potential. Join Spiritual Trance Channel, Rev. Judi Weaver as we explore the actual truth that is found beyond. Truth Beyond is channeled inspirational guidance messages for the betterment of mankind, published by Balboa Press. This life changing guidance can be found within when we learn to quiet ourselves, our minds, our anxieties, learn to recognize and understand the messages that we are receiving from the Universe and then trust enough to act upon your instinctual guidance for the highest purpose.
Specific tips, tools, and techniques will be revealed as Rev. Judi alters her state of consciousness to a higher vibration and calls in Universal Light Beings, Angels, God Source, Masters, Teachers and Spirit Guides who each will offer loving words, guidance, ancient wisdom to expand your knowledge of what is and expand your soul’s existence. Cost: $40.00
July 18th @ 1:00PM - Divine Guidance Meditation with Rev. Judi Weaver.
Cost: $30.00
Private Sessions:
Divine Guidance Message 1 hr $175. Individual or a couple at $200.
Lightworker Activation & Enhancement of Spiritual Gifts 3 hrs $495.
Please be sure to RSVP (845) 493-0432
More Information:
Website: https://spiritualservices.online/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzL4OaUQD9pEmNUUu8vvUWQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Heart-4-Souls-Spiritual-Services-289853374868168